What to Expect on Your Debt-Free Journey
1. You’ll have some doubts.
When you face a mountain of debt, doubts are totally normal. Don’t beat yourself up for having them. Instead, redirect that energy into confidence. You’re doing the right thing for your family, even if no one else understands it. You will succeed!
2. You’ll get gazelle intense.
Imagine you’re a gazelle grazing in the wild. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a starving cheetah—your biggest enemy. Should you sit there and wait to be hunted down, or run like your tail is on fire? Yeah, you run! You want to get out of debt like a gazelle gets out of harm’s way—fast!
3. You’ll listen to (or watch) Financial shows—a lot.
When you listen to your broke friends talk about how broke they are, you become like them. When you listen to inspirational folks talk about how they destroyed debt, you become like them.
4. You’ll start selling stuff—and lots of it.
If you haven’t used it in the past year, you probably don’t need it. That’s why Craigslist will suddenly be full of your old camping gear, Christmas decorations, and cell phones. You’ll even sell the car if you have to! You’re just that hardcore.
5. You’ll become a bargain shopper.
Maybe you don’t clip coupons in the traditional sense, but you’re going to be on the hunt for bargains before you know it. Hey, if you can get something on sale, why would you mess with full price? That’s more money in your pocket and less debt in your life.
6. You’ll make a monthly budget.
This may be your first time budgeting, or you might just be buckling down. Either way, you’re going to have a handle on your income—and it’s going to feel so good! When you give every dollar a name, they won’t go anywhere without your permission.
7. You’ll start carrying cash.
Using the envelope system will revolutionize the way you spend money. When the cash is gone, it’s gone. No overdraft fees. No sky-high interest to pay. Who knew something so simple could be so powerful?
8. You’ll get your family on board.
Getting out of debt takes a team. When your kids buy into your debt-free dream, they’ll stop complaining—and start saving. It’s amazing. Invite them to your budget meetings and show them how important they are to making your family goals a reality!
9. You’ll work hard.
Sometimes it takes a second job or some freelance work to earn the extra cash you need to knock out your debt. Whether your delivering pizzas, driving for Uber, or house-sitting over the holidays—it all adds up.
10. You’ll start thinking visually.
A debt thermometer chart and a rewards system are small ways to turn something as boring as electronic payments into easy-to-see wins. Even a celebratory pizza party with the kids can be enough to keep you all going.
11. You’ll learn how to say no.
There are things you need. And then there are things you want. You’re going to become one of the rare people who knows the difference. For the time being, your budget is all about needs. You’ll get to what you want after you’ve said farewell to debt—once and for all.
12. You’ll eat leftovers and brew coffee at home.
Leftovers are going to be your new best friend. And when it comes to coffee, you can save a nice chunk of change if you brew your daily dark roast at home instead of buying it on the way to work. Those small savings add up over time!
13. You’ll learn who your true friends are.
True friends don’t care what brand of jeans you wear or what model car you drive. True friends will support your efforts to improve your life. And they won’t expect you to keep up with their lifestyles—even if they aren’t quite ready to get out of debt themselves.
14. You’ll get creative.
You know what they say—necessity is the mother of invention! With all your extra cash going toward debt, you’ve discovered how to stretch a meal with rice, wrap a gift in tie-dyed newspaper, and bungee cord your car mirror back on. No shame.
15. You’ll pause your 401(k) contributions.
You’ll get back to contributing to your retirement soon. But first, you’re going to put everything you’ve got toward getting out of debt. (Yes, even if it means missing out on your company match temporarily.) This is a great motivator to get out of debt ASAP!